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Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel

Use this coupon for a 40% discount 266EBA
Whole Latte Love$2.468,70
Deal found at: Amazon

The Gaggia Babila is a One Touch coffee & espresso machine with programmable options for the entire family! INTEGRATED MILK CARAFE: Specialty milk beverages can be made at a push of a button with an integrated milk carafe and auto-cappuccino system. The double chambered carafe locks into the right front of the machine to froth and dispenses milk directly into your cup. Using the separate steam wand on the front left of the machine, you can manually froth your own milk for more control over texture and temperature. The steam wand doubles as a hot water dispenser as well. LARGE CAPACITY: The Babila has a 50.7oz removable water reservoir located on the top of the machine and an 10.58oz bean hopper. The internal dreg bin can hold up to 11 pucks of spent coffee. The drip tray has a 31.5oz capacity before emptying. EASY MAINTENANCE: The machine features a removable brew unit as well as an automatic rinse and descale cycle. The integrated milk carafe uses an automatic cleaning cycle to keep the milk circuit clean. This AquaClean water filter easily fits in the water reservoir for extra purified water! PROGRAMMABLE: Each individual drink button on the Gaggia Babila can be programmed with your preferred beverage volume and strength. There are 8 programmable one-touch drinks to enjoy with a push of the button! For additional control over the brewing process, you can use the flow adjustment dial, to restrict or increase the flow of water through the grounds. These settings can all be saved for future use at the touch of a button. DIMENSIONS: 9.64" W x 16.53" D x 14.17" H, 28.66lbs.

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Why should I buy Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel?

By our senior writer: Reginald Patterson

I've been wanting to write this piece for a long time. And now I finally get to write the in-depth review of the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,! I, Reginald Patterson, am used to write about appliances, because I have done so for years. You have hopefully seen my articles about the Jura Giga 6 Automatic Coffee Maker, Aluminum by Jura and the Siemens 12 Space, 24, Circuit, 100 Amp, Main Breaker, Indoor Load Center, Copper Bus Bars by Siemens by Siemens. I also did a big piece on the Gaggia Headgroup plate DY0036A Shower disc DM0704 and Screws. So you might say I have the know-how to be writing about appliances. So naturally I was very happy when I got this product in the mail!


I am really happy to finally be reviewing the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, and writing1 this review for you guys for I've been using Gaggia products for over 8 years now and I was really excited when I found out they came out with the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,. Of course I looked where I can get it the cheapest, and I always find it on this website. This time it was the deal from Amazon (The deal can be bought here.) and I saw it was the best deal on the internet. So I didn't think twice and and ordered it there. Luckily for me at Amazon they had same day delivery and free shipping so I didn't have to wait long for my package to arive. When it did, I couldn't wait to open it and finally see my brand spanking new Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,. I immediately saw it had totally been worth the wait. On the chance of sounding quite a bit biassed being a longtime Gaggia fan, this product really crushes its competitors, which you can feel immediately when opening the package. I feel like I know enough about the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, to write this review after testing it for a couple of days now. So keep reading and I will show you why I am so happy with my new Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,.

Best Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel deal


I always start my reviews about appliances with a summary, then a clear list of the pros and cons after which I'll give my rating and conclusion. So as you may have understood from the intro, I am blown away by the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,. Gaggia has really outdone itself on this one. The quality is great, and frankly; it just looks awesome. I know aesthetics aren't everything with appliances, but it just needs to be said. Of course the price I got at Amazon was and is unbeatable so make sure to check them out when you decide to buy one yourself. As I have tried many alternatives before, I really got to say they are no match for the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,. Just the functionalities alone beats all competitors and the durability also seems to be top notch. The customer service of Gaggia2 is famous for being really generous so if you ever run in to any kind of problem with their products they're always really lenient with finding a solution. Long story short; not much negative to say about the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel really. Make sure to read to the end tho because you might be in for a small surprise!


The list of pros of this Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, is going to be much longer than the conslist and the description3 this site gives already lists them quite well. To quote just an excerpt: "The Gaggia Babila is a One Touch coffee & espresso machine with programmable options for the entire family! INTEGRATED MILK CARAFE: Specialty milk beverages can be made at a push of a button with an integrated milk carafe and auto-cappuccino system. The double chambered carafe locks into the right front of the machine to froth and dispenses milk directly into your cup. Using the separate steam wand on the front left of the machine, you can manually froth your".

  1. The quality is unmatched.
  2. The looks are stunning.
  3. The price of $1899 is a bargain compared to the competition.
  4. Gaggia is leading the market when it comes to appliances.
  5. The durability is great, so it's good for the environment.
  6. No other product coming out in this price range will be comparable for the coming months if not years.


When thinking of cons for the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, I had a way harder time. Sure, lower prices is always better4 and do you really need this premium quality? That's for yourself to decide. Here is the list:

  1. Maybe the way the product looks is not to your taste.
  2. It's a premium product so maybe you don't need this level of quality.
  3. The Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, is so popular that soon everybody will have one.

Best Gaggia product in years


Considering the points above I can only conclude that the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, deserves 5 stars, 10/10 an A+++ and just overall praise5. I've read reviews by people saying that it's a little too perfect and that it doesn't leave room for the competition, but I don't really mind a nice monopoly. And Gaggia sure is heading to become one with this product!


Verdict and Conclusion

In conclusion, my verdict is that the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, really will make your life more fun and just better altogether. (And did I mention the resale value6 of Gaggia products?) I've done my utmost to view this thing from all possible angles in this piece but I see it sounds all very positive. So please read some more reviews, and you'll see that it's not me that is so enthusiast. So let me just say is that I fully, fully, recommend the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel for now and the future until Gaggia will come up with its successor. And if you are still hesitating whether you want this new Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine,. Amazon really has a great deal on it now. They have the Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, on sale HERE for the record low of $1899. But enough reading. Just go get it and admire your very own, very new Gaggia RI9700/64 Babila Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel!

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